Terms of service

Last updated 25/06/2024

Server-Side Script Usage Terms

Violating these rules will result in a blacklist.

  • Do Not Abuse Scripts:

It's fun to use scripts and troll players, but excessive use can drive high-level players away and harm the game's player base over time. Enjoy using scripts, but do so in moderation.

  • Do Not Use External Executors or Hubs:

Using any hub with an external executor, or any external executor at all, is prohibited. We cannot monitor or moderate scripts executed this way, which creates uncertainty about your actions. Therefore, do not use any external executor.

Note: Trying to bypass the moderation system is futile. Players can report abuse with screenshots, and we are developing an anti-abuse system. Continuous abuse attempts will lead to a blacklist.

  • Do Not Use Banisher, Lightning Cannon, or Similar Scripts:

These scripts are highly restricted as they can lag the game, ban players, or crash the server. Using these or any similarly abusive scripts will result in warnings and potential blacklisting.

  • Do Not Use Server Destroyers, Decal Spam, or Similar Scripts:

Scripts designed to destroy the server by causing lag or other disruptions are strictly prohibited. These actions harm the gameplay experience for everyone.

These TOS can update at any time and it is your duty to regularly check back.


(c) TopScripts 2024